Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Old Glory 15mm Napoleonic British Light Infantry Skirmishing with Command

2nd post for the Old Glory Napoleonic British army I'm starting.
This time it's light company skirmishing. £15 for 50 miniatures. Once again enough for 2 units of 24. I might make on and use the rest for skirmish stands. So here's a pic of the minis I got in the pack.
Top row is the command miniatures. Standard bearer, drummer, bugler, officer(I have not cleaned hi up yet his sword should not be connected to his stand.
Second row is the light troops. I have only shown the different poses, as you can see you get quite a few.

Once again very pleased. Although there 15mm they have lots of detail and plenty of character. I prefer this to loads of March attack in the same pose.
I hope this helps. Many thanks for looking.

Old Glory 15mm Napoleonic Highlanders with command

Hi all. I'm starting another project lol. 15mm Napoleonics. After searching the web and talking to fellow gamers I decided to pick up some minis at Salute 2014. After browsing the stands I settled on Old Glory miniatures from Timecast. The variety of poses and clean sculpts done it for me. I have always preferred the individual look as a posed to identical minis. The chaps at Old Glory were very helpful and let me look at the different packs before buying. And I got 9 packs lol. Various line troops as well as some scots and cavalry, and a pack of guns.
Sadly pictures of Old Glory miniatures are hard to come buy so I have opened the packs started to clean them up and thought I would help others with some pics of the units.

Below is a picture of the different models I got in this pack. £15 for 50 miniatures. Which is perfect as I want units of 24.
 The top row is the command figures. I got enough for 2 full commands iPad pics sorry
The second row is the line troops in the different poses. The camera doesn't do them justice but gives you an idea of the different poses. I only bought 1 pack of scots so I can only comment on these and I love em.

For scale I put an miniature next to a ruler.

15mm foot to eye and again I am very happy with the detail. Can't wait to sling some paint at these scots. I hope this was helpful. Take care and see you soon

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

ACW Fire and Fury Easter Bank Holiday game.

Hi all
I had the opportunity to get involved in a 2 day ACW game as part of my membership to The Heston and Ealing Wargamers club. The game used roughly 5000 miniatures on a board 22' x 6.1'. The rules used were Fire and Fury and the miniatures were supplied by just 2 club members. Our host is long time gamer and ann all round nice chap. All of the miniatures were fantastic and it was played in a purpose built gaming cabin. The cabin has a kitchen area and a toilet as well as storage for a massive range of miniatures in different scales and periods. The fridge is magical as well as it never ran out of beers and soft drinks.
On to the pics the table before the forces arrived.

My force 1st and 2nd corp

Moving forward to hold the centre

This was the biggest game I have ever played and it was fantastic.

I did ok at the end of the first day but the union took a beating on the second day. For more info on unit losses and pictures head over to the Heston and Ealing Wargamers website
One more pic

Flames of War tank battle, with a twist.

Hi all. I managed to get a game in last night with a mate so I thought I would do a battle report.
We used my Flames of War miniatures. A mix of Battlefront and Plastic Soldier Company (PSC)
Points were set at 2000 points using Blood Guts and Glory. I wanted to try the jumbos and easy eights, confident veterans. also reluctant trained Germans to get a load of german armour on the table.
Mission was a straight up fight 2 objectives each and a small town to fight over.
Now for the twist.... We used the Bolt action turn system, which is the highlight of that game.
The Forces
HQ 2 panthers
2X Panzer IV J platoons( I had to use the H model as they are all PSC)
2X Stug platoons
2X Panther platoons.
HQ 2 M4Sherman's
3X platoons of 1 Jumbo, 1 Easy Eight( had to use Firefly's as my easy eight box from Battlefront had no barrels)  2 M4's (1x platoon had 3)
4 M18 Hellcats. We have only been playing FoW recently so have not looked at the recon rules so to replace the tank killer security section he used 3 Stuarts. I realise this was a serious downer for the US player but tough lol.
The deployment

German deployment
I placed a platoon of Stug's and Panzer IV's on my right to hold my objective and the rest of my force on the left. As I had more platoons I could set up my Panthers after the US had deployed. The Germans kicked off with a move forward on both flanks trying to keep concealment from the terrain however 2 of the 3 Stug's bogged down. German fire was ineffective so on to the US. They moved forward on the left and destroyed the 1 Stug in operation causing a check that the reluctant Germans
failed and they retired from the battle. First blood to the US. The US had several juicy targets but after 16 shots from the hellcats over 2 turns they could only bail 2 Panthers. The return fire over the 2 turns destroyed half of the squad and forced them to move. The Germans moved forward across the entire front trying to put pressure on the US and overpower them with numbers. The Panzer IV platoon in the centre was dangerously close and the US moved forward to make them pay. 5 hits and the Germans needed 5s to at least get bailed.

And again my fantastic dice rolling leads to another rant from my regular opponent, if he ever gets lucky with the dice I would have no chance lol. The Panzer IV's last for another turn but are now facing fire from 2 platoons. The panthers now advance and start putting a heavy toll on the us right. 1 more turn and they would be on the objective with nothing to stop 2 platoons. The US move forward 
the Stuarts to get flank shots but only manage to bail the Panzers in the centre.  The Panzer platoon on the right stop their advance and destroy 2 Stuarts. It's all or nothing time for the US. The 1 remaining Stuart makes a headlong rush for the objective on the German right flank. This has been left undefended! The Stuart parks on the objective and awaits the final shots of the game.
The Germans have 2 Stug's and the C,C to poor fire into the Stuart. Both Stug's pass their bogging checks in the wood and about face and destroy the Stuart ending a great game.

Overall the Bolt Action turn system made for an exciting game. It was a quick game as we only used tanks but very entertaining. The reluctant trained Germans were very lucky with all of their bailed checks and continued to fire every turn. However every morale check was failed. Could easily have been a different story. Thanks to my mate for making it an enjoyable game.
Being unable to move your entire army and hammer a single platoon every turn made for a more tactical game. I would suggest you give it a try.
Final pics of the battle field 
The German left flank. 2 Panther platoons bearing down on the objective with very little to see them 
The right flank shows the Germans have pushed too far forward leaving the objective open for the Stuart to park on.
Final comment, I need a bridge for my new streams. I hope you enjoyed the first battle report


I have finally worked out how to get the pics from my tablet to blogger.
Here is another couple of pics of the Nam stuff. I have put most of it together and given them a black undercoat.
As you can see I have been busy. Sat in garden and put these together due to the resin. Glad I did them last weekend as it as not stopped raining. 5 slicks, 1 medevac, 2 Hogs, 2 Cobras and 2 loach's.
This is the armoured part of the army. 12 M113's 3 Sheridans, 2 Pattons, 1 rifle platoon and a machine gun platoon. I will base another platoon shortly. I have not looked up the points on this whole force, but I normally like an army with options. I can't remember ever getting an army to a list.

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Flames of War Vietnam

Hi all. Another week so another project. This time I have started on my order from battlefront. I will add more pics as the army comes together. But here are some pics of my helicopters
Overall it was quite easy to put together. Most of the metal parts had to be bent in to shape before attaching. The magnets are included and I suggest you take the time get them all the same so your not struggling with stands.
So here's all 6 enough for a full air cav and a medevac. More to come as I'm now working on the hogs and cobras.