I wanted to have a go at painting some 15mm Napoleonic before jumping. A friend kindly gave me a load of 15mm Old Glory campaign French. I took my time and researched the uniforms before going made. I completed a battalion for Napoleons Battles, I did not base them so he could match them to the rest of his forces. First attempt so be kind.
picture does not do them justice, i used an iphone. pictures a little blurry but you see some of the detail. and now for the reverse
The lighting and camera does bot show the highlights i'm afraid but overall i was happy. sadly i did not have any matt varnish. so i used gloss varnish. not happy with the result but my friend will matt varnish them once he has based them all.
way to shiny for me but i will wait to see the finished product. i really like the Old Glory figures they have lots of character and detail. i will get a full photo of the battalion when their finished. thanks for reading.