Monday, 30 June 2014

15mm French Napoleonic

Hello all.
I wanted to have a go at painting some 15mm Napoleonic before jumping. A friend kindly gave me a load of 15mm Old Glory campaign French. I took my time and researched the uniforms before going made. I completed a battalion for Napoleons Battles, I did not base them so he could match them to the rest of his forces. First attempt so be kind.
picture does not do them justice, i used an iphone. pictures a little blurry but you see some of the detail. and now for the reverse
The lighting and camera does bot show the highlights i'm afraid but overall i was happy. sadly i did not have any matt varnish. so i used gloss varnish. not happy with the result but my friend will matt varnish them once he has based them all.
way to shiny for me but i will wait to see the finished product. i really like the Old Glory figures they have lots of character and detail. i will get a full photo of the battalion when their finished. thanks for reading.

Thursday, 26 June 2014


Hi all. I started this blog to highlight my wargaming exploits, so far I have not added any of my Games Workshop stuff. I have been wargaming for years off and on. I originally started by shopping in  Games Workshop back in the early 80s. It was the original store in Hammersmith London.
However I have lost interest in my preferred game 40K. I still have a huge Space Wolf army, Black Templar, Chaos Space Marine and Imperial Guard, I will add some photos soon. But I don't know what to do with this lot? As you can see its undercoated matt grey and some even have a split red and black style going on, sadly they are now just taking up space.
Shall I dump them on eBay or start a new project? The original idea was to have a bespoke chapter that I could use for any codex, all I needed to do was change out the characters and sergeants to give them some character.
At the front of the pic is an entire jump army for the blood angels and loads of terminators for another drop force. I still have a load on sprues including about 20 Dark Angel veterans. I also have a bitz box that's better than a GW store.
Please let me know what you think I should do? It seems a shame to just get rid? I suppose the funds could be used to finish my Napoleonic projects and start Some American Civil War forces.
Thanks for looking

Command & Colours Napoleonic

Hi all
I recently got hold of a copy of Command @ Colours Napoleonics. I have heard a lot of good things about this game so I finally got a copy.
Lots of people have already done a review of this game so I will try to add a review after my first game. Before that happens I need to to put the stickers on the wooden blocks.

 I sorted the blocks out into the armies and sizes. No surprise here blue for French, Red for Britain 
and brown for Portugal and now the stickers 

As you can see lots to do.. I managed to do them all in a couple of hours, must have been all the sticker albums I had as a child. That's enough for now, I will add a review ASAP. Many thanks for looking.