Hi All
sorry for the lack of blogging I have been away to Las Vegas during the summer months and wargaming has been put on the back burner. I have managed a few games at Heston & Ealing wargaming club. Mostly Napoleonic, as the club was gearing up for the battle of Talavera.
So I have finally made a start on my Old Glory Napoleonic British that I picked up at Salute.
Overall the flash was not that bad.
I'm trying a new painting plan. Normally I prepare and undercoat the entire army ready for painting. This normally leads to me having burn out and not completing the task. This time I'm going to paint them as a unit. I will be basing these for Black Powder. 30mm X 30mm 6 minis to a base. The second picture is going to be a large battalion of guards.

As you can see I have a range of command figures added to the battalion. I start by painting the bases, this is very important as you don't want to ruin your paint job. Next all the black parts, hats, bags & boots. Then grey trousers, great coats. Brown for the gun. Skin. Then the white straps. Boltgun Metal for gun parts and swords. Finally a wash, nuln oil for the grey and the gun. Agrax Earthshade wash for the rest of the mini. Once this is fully dry the mini is a little dark so i will highlight with the original colours. final pic is after the shading wash. this was completed in 3 evenings. I will add a finished close up asap. Thanks for looking