7 battalions done. I need flags and flock to finish them off. Overall quite happy. I might still touch up with some highlighting before the varnish. So here goes.
I have based them on 40mm X 30mm MDF bases to protect the bayonets. The 3 base battalions are 24 figures. I have done 2 battalions with 32 minis on four bases, maybe Foot Guard?
This is the first battalion. I based them with PVA glue and polyfilla. I added some vellajo dark brown in to the mix. It would have been very hard to paint between all those little legs. Sorry the picture a little dark, I might replace them.
This is the second battalion. I had a go at the South Essex at the front. I used some old glory rifles for Sharpe and Harper. I hope you like them. Thanks for looking.