I managed to make a start on the 10mm ACW minis from Pendraken. I will post some close up photos but first I wanted to show you all my new basing technique. I started doing this with my British Napoleonics.
Once I have decided on a base size(25mm x 20mm) I then make the mixture up.
This consists of ready made polyfilla and PVA glue. Mixt with equal measures. I then use Vallejo dark brown and squeeze in a few drops. I then use an old school glue applicator to mix up the mixture. You may need to add more drops of paint to get a darker colour but as the mixture is white I suppose you could add any colour? Desert? Fantasy purple land? Whatever takes your fancy.
Step 1
Step 2 the mixture
Step 3 base ready, 25mm x 20mm
Step 4 a small amount applied to the base. You may need to add more if the miniature bases are thicker. Pendraken miniatures have a very thin base.
Step 5 add the miniatures in the desired way and lightly press them down in to the mixture. I have failed to paint the miniature bases before adding to the base on this occasion. I recommend you paint the miniatures base before adding to make this easier.
The amount you need to mix is up to you, the polyfilla will start to set in a short while so best to mix up small amounts at a time. I hope this has given you some ideas. More photos to follow of the finished bases.