Thursday, 29 October 2015

15mm Modern Peter Pig

Hi all
Another project started. I picked up some Peter Pig modern miniatures from the AK47 range
After a little clean up and basing I started to undercoat them

I will start on the US minis and add a photo tomorrow

Friday, 9 October 2015

Epic 40k Blood Angels & Space Wolves

Except the bikes and whirlwinds lol. Awaiting transports for the wolves.

I even had a go at the pack markings for the space wolves at 6mm

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Kings of War Kickstarter

Hi all
I got this roughly 2 weeks ago from my Kickstarter. Undead mega army.
When I open the box it was a little intimidating to be honest.
However with a few spare evenings I have managed to paint up most of the skeletons and some zombies.

I'm not spending too much time on them as you can see. I can't decide on how to base them? Multiple or singular.

Epic Armaggedon 40K 6mm Space Marines

Hi all
I recently watched a battle report video on you tube by Guerrilla miniature games on epic 40k
Needless to say I was hooked. I decided to get some minis off eBay and start 2 armies. I wanted to do Chaos and imperial marines. I hard son many marines it was a no brainier to paint 2 marines armies.
First up blood Angels. The movement trays are just to make it easier moving these tiny 6mm miniatures
Death Company with dreadnought

Assault marines and Devastators and dreadnoughts 

Tactical marines and rhino transports. I just need to dry brush and flock the bases.
4 battle company of the blood Angels.

I have painted the space wolves but not based them yet. I will post them shortly

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

15mm Napoleonic French army update.

Again in case you missed this on you tube.

15mm Napoleonic British Army video

I added this to you tube a while ago, but just in case you missed it.
Bases are 25mm x 30mm for infantry and 15mm x 30mm for skirmishes. Cavalry and artillery are 45mm x 40mm from Products for Wargamers, almost half the price of Warbases.

Kings of War Kickstarter Undead army

hi all. I have been very busy with family life so sorry for no posts. I have however been busy painting and I will get some posts up this week.
Let me start this with my Kings of war Kickstarter, the Undead.
I made a start on the skeletons let me know what you think.

i have kept them simple, with just a couple of layers and washing, after that 2 more highlights will go on. I don't want to spen too long on them as I have a load still to put together and paint.

Thursday, 16 July 2015

40K imperial guard desert theme

Hi all
I painted these a few years ago now for a tournament, I'm happy to say I won. I think the camo scheme done it and the gilly suits. I was clearly watching black hawk done when I decided the paint scheme. I thought I would post some more pics of my collection of figures. I hope you like them.

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

15mm French Napoleonic army update

Hi All
Just some pics of the French army. I have 9 completed 9 battalions 3 regiments of cavalry and six guns. Lighting is awful, the definitely look better in the flesh I promise.

Tuesday, 30 June 2015

15mm Portuguese Cacadores

Another update. My first battalion of Portuguese Cacadores done. Simple paint scheme speeded up the process and I think they will add some contrast to my British force. Miniatures are Battle Honors and their a little skinny compared to old glory, however in atheir own battalion they will look fine. I just need to paint the bugles and finish the bases.

I hope you like them

Old Glory British flank company March Attack 15mm

I picked up a pack of these at Salute 2015 to add to my British force. As they have no pics on the time cast website I thought I would add a contents photo before I start painting. I hope this helps any looking to start a British Napoleonic army in 15mm

24 instead of the advertised 25 but I'm not going to complain. 5 different poses so lots of variety in the pack for 15mm miniatures

Monday, 6 April 2015

Battle Honors 15mm Portuguese Cacadores

Hi all
I picked up a pack of these from EBay to add to my Napoleonic force.
Slimmer and less detail than old glory, with very little variety to the poses.
I might make 1 battalion of 24 figures then use the rest as skirmishers.
Here's some photos incase your interested.
Sadly you can't get Battle Honors in the UK anymore. Normally 50 figures in a pack.

Sunday, 29 March 2015

6mm Napoleonics, baccus and Adler

Hi All
Another project update and another project unfinished lol.
Most of the figures are Baccus. I have some Adler. All figures are based on 60mm x 30mm MDF bases, commanders and artillery are on 30mm x 30mm.
I purchased 60mm x 60mm movement trays, as you can see in the pics I can create a brigade with 2 battalion stands or put a base of skirmishers in front of the battalion.
My advice for 6mm naps is troops from baccus as they can be based in strips, however the cavalry are quite small. I would go with Adler for cavalry, great looking minis at 6mm
Lots to do, this project has been put on hold so I can focus on my 15mm Naps
I'm trying not to open the 3 boxes of Perry miniature napoleonic British, 1 period in 3 scales is a little crazy.
I hope you like them


Flames of war Vietnam update

Hi All
Some update pics from my US Vietnam force. I still need to decide on the gunship weapons, any advice would be helpful? I still need to paint 1 more infantry platoon & 8 more M113's. Oh and I found another box of M113's, I haven't decided on mortars or zippos.
I need to wash and weather everything still but I could play a game if needed.
I hope you like them thanks for looking