Sunday, 29 March 2015

6mm Napoleonics, baccus and Adler

Hi All
Another project update and another project unfinished lol.
Most of the figures are Baccus. I have some Adler. All figures are based on 60mm x 30mm MDF bases, commanders and artillery are on 30mm x 30mm.
I purchased 60mm x 60mm movement trays, as you can see in the pics I can create a brigade with 2 battalion stands or put a base of skirmishers in front of the battalion.
My advice for 6mm naps is troops from baccus as they can be based in strips, however the cavalry are quite small. I would go with Adler for cavalry, great looking minis at 6mm
Lots to do, this project has been put on hold so I can focus on my 15mm Naps
I'm trying not to open the 3 boxes of Perry miniature napoleonic British, 1 period in 3 scales is a little crazy.
I hope you like them


Flames of war Vietnam update

Hi All
Some update pics from my US Vietnam force. I still need to decide on the gunship weapons, any advice would be helpful? I still need to paint 1 more infantry platoon & 8 more M113's. Oh and I found another box of M113's, I haven't decided on mortars or zippos.
I need to wash and weather everything still but I could play a game if needed.
I hope you like them thanks for looking

15mm French Napoleonic army update, Old Glory & Battle Honors

Hi All
2nd video for you tube. Again budget was no object lol. I have only used my iPad so it's a bit grainy.
Bases sizes are the same as my British. I really enjoyed painting the British infantry but the French became boring, hence the great coats to speed things up. I hope you enjoy.
Thanks for looking

15mm British Napoleonic army update, Old Glory & Blue Moon

Hi all.
I wanted to post my first YouTube video. A Napoleonic British army update. Minis are from Old Glory and Blue Moon. I have based them on MDF bases from Products for Wargamers, very reasonable priced. The bases are roughly the same as Napoleon at War. I haven't played NaW yet but the figures look good on them and it allows space for some flock.
I am currently looking for suitable flags, if you have any ideas please let me know.
Base sizes are as follows:
Skirmish 30mm x 15mm
Standard 25mm x 30mm
Large 45mm x 40mm
Thanks for looking

Hobby Boss 1/48 Easy 8 sherman tank for Bolt Action

Hi all
I thought I would add a couple of pics of the Hooby Boss 1/48 easy 8 sherman.
I know it was discussed on the weekender. Apparently it's one of the best hobby boss kits for a sherman tank. I picked it up for £10, it was ok to put together but it still had quite a few parts. I wouldn't recommend it for beginners tbh. The main issue is scale, I will let the pics speak for themselves.
 Rubber tracks! I will have to beat them together.
Compared to a resin Warlord Games Panther. The sherman looks to big to me?

Compared to a warlord Brit, here the scale looks ok.

I hope this has been helpful.