Wednesday, 23 September 2015

15mm Napoleonic French army update.

Again in case you missed this on you tube.

15mm Napoleonic British Army video

I added this to you tube a while ago, but just in case you missed it.
Bases are 25mm x 30mm for infantry and 15mm x 30mm for skirmishes. Cavalry and artillery are 45mm x 40mm from Products for Wargamers, almost half the price of Warbases.

Kings of War Kickstarter Undead army

hi all. I have been very busy with family life so sorry for no posts. I have however been busy painting and I will get some posts up this week.
Let me start this with my Kings of war Kickstarter, the Undead.
I made a start on the skeletons let me know what you think.

i have kept them simple, with just a couple of layers and washing, after that 2 more highlights will go on. I don't want to spen too long on them as I have a load still to put together and paint.