Sunday, 3 July 2016

15mm Flames of War Soviet tank horde

Hi all another quick update.
I put together all those plastic tanks, magnetised the turrets and a few hulls to give me as many options as possible. Undercoated ready for the brush. Asks to Breakthrough Assault chaps for the army structure. I happily went mad as I do and added a few more lol.

Plastic Soldier Company 15mm Churchill's Flames of War

Another update. 15mm PSC Churchill tanks. 5 in the box they went together quite easily.
I managed to make various turrets for the dirpfferent options and magnetised them all.

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

15mm Campaign Game Miniatures Napoleonic Brunswicks

hi all
I got these last year and figured as their mostly black they should be a quick win.
The figures are very nice indeed, couple of mold lines but nothing like old glory.
I have put on the base colours, I will give them a wash and highlight. Hopefully finished Wednesday

Lieb Battalion

Sunday, 17 April 2016

TANKS GF9 15mm tabletop game Salute 2016

Hi all
I couldn't resist the chance to pick up the new TANKS game from GF9'at Sulte on Saturday.
Myseldpf and a friend teamed up to play and it was fast paced and good fun. Unlike Flames of war a Sherman can take a bit of damage from a Panther before brewing up in this game. Maybe not historically accurate but good fun.
In the box you get a card for all of the current plastic tanks available from Battlefront.
So not only the advertised US Sherman and Panther but British and Soviet cards as well.
As I have a load of painted 15mm tanks I jumped at this.
Here's a very quick unboxing vid, I hope it helps

A "Cam" bridge too far 2016 Bolt Action tournament prizes

Hi All
In March myself and two friends went to Cambridge for a one day Bolt Action tournament.
We had a blast and I even managed 2 wins.
Everyone who entered got some free gifts and mine was a Rubicon US M8

Really please with the model. I also managed to fubar in my last game and picked up a spot prize of Black Tree US Marines with Thompsons.

15mm Zvezda Sdkfz 222,

Hi all
I picked up 6 Zvezda Sdkfz 222, after reading everyone else's reviews I took my time and tidied up all of the clipped parts to make sure they joined tightly.
After the first vehicle it was a doddle.
I gave them a quick paint job with no highlights to see how they turned out.
Overall I'm quite happy with the models, highlighting, transfers and painting still needs to be completed. I hope you like

ACW black powder update

Hi all
A quick update on the Pendraken ACW. A load of Union cavalry done and the rest of my infantry, 27 battalions with 6 larger battalions. Basing still needs to be done

Sunday, 3 April 2016

10mm ACW from Pendraken

flags have been added. Still a few stands to paint. 
Cavalry, guns and commanders still to paint.
I need to finish the bases and edge paint the flags. The flags are clearly for historical reference only! 

Thursday, 3 March 2016

ACW cavalry 10mm Pendraken

Hi all
Another quick update on a smaller scale. 10mm Pendraken ACW Rebs. I picked these up to play Fire and Fury but with a movement tray I can easily play Black Powder.

I based 4 to a lolly stick the undercoated in Halfords grey. 

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Bolt Action 101st Airborne 28MM Warlord Games

Hi All
another update for the Bolt Action force. this time 2 squads of 101st Airborne.
minis are Warlord Games. thats as much as I want to do, just finish the basing

Monday, 29 February 2016

Monday, 22 February 2016

Kings of War Undead update

a quick update on my Kings of War undead Kickstarter
Most of the minis are painted. I will try to get some close ups done.
The bases are done with my normal poly filla and brown paint mix. I will start flocking them soon and post another update.

Flames of war US cavalry group from Devils charge.

Hi all, another Flames of War purchase. Picked this up half price and its sat around doing nothing.
The box set is great, there's a load of Chaffee tanks, tank destroyer platoon, objectives and dice.
Production assembly begins
And the finished models, sadly one of the tracks was doubled so I cannot make one Chaffee. It has 2 left side tracks do unless I want it going in circles I will have to get another.
The models are lovely and I really enjoyed putting them together. It's a shame I was missing a part for the final tank.

Bolt action US Airborne test figure

My first test figure for my Bolt Action US Airborne. Very basic scheme with a wash then one highlight. The light gives it an orange tinge, I will try and get a better group photo shortly
The minis from Warlord Games. 28mm

Flames of War Soviet Tankovy

My tanksgiving sale Soviets have arrived. I cracked them open and started clipping and glueing furiously for the Motherland.
I still have 7 more plastic T34s to do and commander Dedov. That takes the total to 21 T34s.

Following an idea on the web, I used the SU 85 hull and SU 100 hull to double up my options.
Basic magnet and a little plastic was easy to put together. I made a mold of the exhausts as you only get enough for 5 tanks in the box. I can now swap out 4 assault guns giving me the option of the SU85 or the SU100. I also have 4 SU85M made up as normal,
I have already ordered the PSC Soviet Spray and IS2s.