Sunday 27 January 2019

Some pics of the Salamander army

Hi All,
I haven’t posted in ages. Moved most of my updates to YouTube.
I recently set myself the challenge of painting a Kings of War Salamander army in 7 days.
So her she is
I hope you like

Tuesday 14 March 2017

Epic 40k update

Hi after watching some you tube videos from Guerilla miniatures, I got the epic bug. Fast paced and very brutal. Here's some pictures of my progress.
A group picture. I want them to be space wolves so lots of painting to do.

Saturday 11 March 2017

15mm Forged in Battle Afrika corp

Hi all
Got these in a swap, enough for my new FOW DAK project
However moulding is an issue with some serious mood lines. Disappointing really considering these are new minis from Forged in Battle. Let's hope Battlefront do some plastics for the mid war release.

Sunday 3 July 2016

15mm Flames of War Soviet tank horde

Hi all another quick update.
I put together all those plastic tanks, magnetised the turrets and a few hulls to give me as many options as possible. Undercoated ready for the brush. Asks to Breakthrough Assault chaps for the army structure. I happily went mad as I do and added a few more lol.

Plastic Soldier Company 15mm Churchill's Flames of War

Another update. 15mm PSC Churchill tanks. 5 in the box they went together quite easily.
I managed to make various turrets for the dirpfferent options and magnetised them all.