Tuesday, 10 February 2015

15mm Blue Moon Napoleonic British Heavy Dragoons

Hi All
Some more figures done, this time blue moon 15mm Napoleonic british heavy dragoons.
I would first like to say I am really happy with the quality of thses figures. Great detail and a real pleasure to paint. Much better horses than battle honors or old glory. Sadly the same cannot be said for their infantry, the sculpts are nice but loads of chunky flash around the right hand connecting to the entire backside of the infantry figures.
But lets focus on the good stuff
I purchased 1 command pack and 2 troop packs to give me 36 figures totalling 3 regiments. Based on 45mm x 40mm bases 
A comparison shot with the infantry. I will get these flocked as soon as my flock applicator arrives.
I hope you like them.

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